Are hotdogs moral? I'm sure at least one of you has seen the videos of hotdogs being made, a slew of meat and water, being shoved into a plastic-looking tube. It looks disgusting. And if you haven't seen one of those videos, I suggest you watch one before finishing my blog post. It's incredible how efficiently the hotdogs can be made using only a paste of meat and hundreds of casings Anyways, what I'm trying to get at is that hotdogs are a strange food. And I hope by watching whatever video you did you aren't scared off from eating hotdogs. But, in my opinion, they are actually a wonder food. The thing is, hotdogs are made out of what would normally just be thrown away but are instead packaged into little sausages. To make any kind of meat you must take the life of another animal. Animals, along with being sentient creatures with complex lives of their own, require immense time and effort to raise. Normally 60 PERCENT of a cow is thrown away. How...