* Spoiler Warning* In Circe, a novel by Madeline Miller, we follow the journey of Circe, the daughter of the powerful titan Helios, and minor character in Greek mythology. Being the seemingly talentless member of her extremely bold and pretentious family, Circe struggles with feeling alone and purposeless. This soon changes when she learns that she is a witch, and is able to use potions and herbs to perform magic. Because this is a new and frightening concept to her family and the Olympians, she is shunned to an island called Aeaea. Rather than looking at the banishment as a punishment, she uses the time she has to to learn how to wield her abilities, making her grow increasingly powerful. Throughout the novel, there is an apparent theme of misogyny, that can relate to our society today, and Circe must learn how to navigate through the many challenges this brings. This theme of a woman's place in ancient...