Recently, I read They Wish They Were Us, by Jessica Goodman. I finished it quite quickly, however by the end I was left feeling somewhat unsatisfied. In this blog post I will be reviewing this novel and giving it a rating at the end. There will be SPOILERS ahead! They Wish They Were Us follows Jill, a senior at an admired prep school in Long Island. She is subject to high academic expectations from her parents as well as a reputation to uphold in her "secret society" called The Players. This exclusive group consists of eight students from each grade who benefit from their status. They are offered study guides made by previous students, answers to tests, material from classes, and pretty much anything they could need to get into top tier colleges. The (intended) main storyline is about Jill's best friend Shaila, a fellow player, and how she was killed as a freshman. Graham was her boyfriend at the time was indicted with her murder, however Jill learns he is likely innocent...